Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What's Up With This "Simplicity" ?

You know, I'll be the first to admit that I am technologically an idiot- I come from the generation that thought that typewriters were the ultimate in writing style. Then came word processors, and the morphing began.
It has not been without growing pains, however-( at least on my part), I guess I am asking too much of some of the people who design these things.
Everytime that Windows decides in its infinite wisdom that this computer needs an upgrade, all our stuff gets mangled, resulting in my wife spending hours reconfiguring, and myself threatening to take my pistol to this seed of satan.
These are not good times, what with new passwords and all- I have an idea, boys- Why don't you get me a fingerprint pad as recognition hardware. That way my thumbprint could be my password, and I would not have to remember WHAT THE DAMN WORD IS- I would thumb my way onto the info highway. OR IS THAT TOO SIMPLE A CONCEPT?
Too many people working on these software concepts truly and mistakenly believe that the more complex, the better. Not neccessarily- While a nailgun may do the job, sometimes the situation calls for a hammer, that is all. KISS- Keep It Simple, Stupid.