I wonder sometimes about the sanity of people today. Everyone has to have gratification instantly- perhaps it has something to do with all the tools we now have- microwaves, computers and such, but we are an impatient people. Along with that, we have an unpleasant side of this, in that we feel that we shouldn't have to suffer anything we do not like. Take religion- this is always a contentious issue at best, because, regardless of the teachings of any particular religion( and they ALL have, at their core, the teachings of love and tolerence), each religion asserts that they, and only they, are the true religion. This is how wars begin.
And to top it off, now we have the atheists ( no way will I dignify them by capitalizing their "title"), who somehow believe that their right to not be offended aat any display of religion supersedes any one elses right to worship as they see fit.
Is anyone else as confused as I am? I feel like Alice in the looking glass- I know our legal system is full of phrases designed to stun the average person into insensibility, but the twisted logic used by these people is enough to twist your head clean off.
Lets get something straight right now. We, the people, have the freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. This right was intended to keep the State from decreeing that to have your other rights, you had to belong to a particular religion. Still, you would have to be a complete moron not to clearly see that THE MAJORITY of the people who reside in the United States are of Judeo-Christian upbringing. That is a fact that is indisputable. The majority is not atheist. So I kinda get my hackles up when some atheist-come-lately decides he or she doesn't like any display or religious symbol. They feel that their feelings supercede our feelings. They could turn their head, as one might when passing some R- rated movie poster, but no. It has become a " Look at Me, Me, Me!" kind of rudely childish sort of attention- getting thing. I am not amused. This self-serving militancy of the religiously insecure must stop.
And then you have the lawyers who get fat at our public moneytroughs by representing these pitiful excuses for people. They give lawyers a worse name, and believe you me, they really do not need any more negativity, they have their own problems. And yet, there they are, slurping taxpayer money,because they truly are like the pigs in Orwell"s Animal Farm.
If Ethics were injectable in serum form, lawyers' skins would probably bend the needle.