Friday, August 25, 2006

Illegal Immigration

No quote today. What can one say about the hordes of people streaming across the border that hasn't already been screamed? What I have to add to the debate may seem inconsequential to some, but reflect that I probably have more experience with the aliens than you do. I have been a carpenter for thirty five years, and during this time, I have worked alongside quite a few of them, and been friends with some.
I admire them, but at the same time I can see that they are doing the economy no good, and even holding wages down. This hurts both American and illegal wages alike, so they are, in effect, cutting their own throats. You see, it works like this: a person works for X wages, but an illegal comes along and says that they will work for minus- X wages. The employer hires him, which seems to be a good deal for the employer, and a good deal for the illegal, but it puts the established worker out on the street- not a good deal for him or her.
In addition, the illegal has agreed to work for less, thus lowering the bar for wage levels. Add to that whole crews of illegal aliens that undercut established ( and legal) crews of Americans, and they really lower the bar, not to mention the quality of the work. I know it will sound racist, but I have yet to meet a really good Mexican carpenter- Oh, I know some exist, but I have not met them. Part of that may be the attitude that they have a " peon" attitude, that is, they do not wish to spend time learning complex things, because then they would have to take responsibility for their quality. Also, they might not be around for long, so why bother?
I worked for a year on a house that would sell for about 8 million dollars- worked my ass off on this house, because on a house that costs that much, there can be no mistakes, and I spent more time fixing the Mexican crews' mistakes than I did on my own work. Some of these people had been with the same company for years- they should know what was expected of them, and yet, their work continued to be sloppy. This should not be. I would not expect it of an American, why should I excuse anyone else? Why should the rules be special for another group of people? Now, THAT would really be racist, wouldn't it? ( Coincidentally, the same policy is called Affirmative Action.)
Still, my biggest beef with the immigration policy in this day and age is the fact that we do not know who is coming in, nor really how many. Wouldn't YOU want to know who is coming into your house without your permission? I damn sure would. Right now, our government's policy is akin to someone coming into your house, saying that they can stay, you have to pay them under the table, and by the way, they are entitled to a part of your medical coverage. If a baby is born at your house, it is now a member of your family, like it or not.
Well folks, The United States of America is OUR house. I want to know who my guests are, and if they act up, I want, no demand the right to toss them out on their ass. If they stay, I want them to contribute their fair share in taxes ( which they do not- I have seen the scams), learn English, and if they are to be true Americans, quit waving the flag of another country. Unless it is the Stars and Stripes, it only has a place as a memory, not a loyalty. Divided loyalties will simply mean that you are ineffective in two countries- pick ONE.
Some people say that immigrants only take jobs that Americans won't do, but the truth is that the reason that Americans do not take these jobs is that the immigrants have radically down-sized the wages of that job, rendering it useless as a living wage. Until there is accountability for these aliens, from both the security and economic standpoint, they will be aliens here.
That is the Bottom Line.

Next Post: A Living Wage


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