Friday, September 08, 2006

Muslims: The Great Enablers

It has now been five years since9/11, and I have watched as we ( the United States) have been forced to clean up the Muslim World's mess. This role has been forced upon us, since the Arab sector in this world is SO ignorant, that they cannot even wipe their ass clean of bin laden and others of that ilk.
I have to wonder, since the Arab silence is so profound, are they complicit in the sad but deadly behavior of these extremists? I am not a conspiracy buff, but if I were, you can bet that a favorite scenario would involve most of the Muslims in the world. I would postulate that they secretly would give approval to these assholes by turning away from their duty to distance themselves from them, and even to actively pursue and destroy them. But that is not happening.
One would think that the Muslim world might have come to the conclusion that these extremists are doing their cause no good, even damaging beyond repair the image of Islam in the modern world. I guess that the Arabs must still have that "Tribal" mentality- What happens in Beirut stays in Beirut- but that is not the case, and they are woefully ignorant if they think otherwise.
What the Arab world has not fully realized is that if they truly piss us off, we can kill them much more completely than they can imagine (see Japan 1945a.d.). Do they truly believe that our technology stopped with the end of WWII ? The United States has made a career out of things that explode. The Russians Knew that, so do the Chinese. Our policy is MAD- Mutually Assured Destruction- and the Arabs who would like to blow us up should take heed of what that truly means. So should the host countries because, God forbid that bin laden or others should build a nuclear device, once we found out where it was built, we would make that country a sea of molten glass. Examples must be set.
Iran should take heed also, because the Europeans couldn't stop us, if it came to that (see Iraq). With Iraq, we were just a little pissed- you should see us when we have a good head of steam.
The simple truth is that we, the United States, would much rather trade with the world, but if we are pushed to it, we can fight and win in the most efficient way.
All you have to do is get our attention, but you would have to be insane to want to do that.
The question remains- Are the Arabs, and really Muslims throughout the world, THAT insane?
I surely hope not, for their sakes.


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