" The end cannot justify the means, for the simple reason that the means determine the nature of the ends produced." -----Aldous Huxley (1937)
Ah, morality- it seems so hard to live by a code these days. Everybody from Freud to Dr. Spock has alibied the lack of a moral code. Secularists ridicule the 10 commandments as so intrinsically religious that they must, by that definition, be outmoded and worthless. We have a president (now ex- president) defending his behavior by attempting to parse the word "is". Really, is this the behavior anyone really wants their children to learn?
If you can truthfully answer this question yes, you too have lost your way in the murky world of moralless behavior.
This is a predicament that runs through out our society at all levels. The CEO who wants to increase the profits at his company, so he does away with the pensions that were promised to his workers is lacking morals, as his company PROMISED those things to the workers. Backing out of a promise to people just for an increase of monetary gain is a lack of morals.
The Geneva Convention accords are a moral statement. Anyone who does not abide by them could be considered to be lacking morals.
The ten commandments are a moral code, and a good one. These are what our society is based on, and for atheists to deny this jusst because the commandments came from the bible, shows the lack of morality that they possess. I shall deem them to be irrelevent until they can come up with a moral code that is at least as good as the one they wish to tear down.
The serial killer who decides that it would be kinda fun to filet someone might be lacking a moral code.
The pedophile who sexually abuses and kills young children has no morals.
What are we supposed to do? Even if you ascribe to no religion in particular, you must has a code to live by, or you tend to go in whatever direction the prevailing current wishes to push you.
This is no way to live a life. If you think that there is truly no God, and we are just protoplasm randomly put together, what is the point to life?
If it is just senseless pleasure, you will get bored- there must be an end that you work toward, whether it be eternal life, or the betterment of mankind, or just your personal satisfaction in a job or life well done, and the best way to do this is to develop a moral code, a line in the moral sand that you will not cross, and hold to these beliefs.
Beliefs, you see, are not just for religion anymore- indeed, they have never been exclusively religion's domain, but people who do not like beliefs would like to make it all about the religion. These are people who have no rudder but hate, and that will always steer you wrong.
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